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Bulletin Board

Waterville Humane Society
Community Spay/Neuter Clinic for cats

Do you have a cat that needs to be fixed in the Waterville area? 

We have availability for our spay/neuter clinics at the Waterville Human Society on select Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Pricing is $30 for males & $50 for females.  This includes a rabies and distemper vaccine. 


You must live in one of the following towns:  Albion, Benton, Burnham, Canaan, Clinton, Detroit, Fairfield, Freedom, Hinckley, Mercer, Oakland, Palmyra, Pittsfield, Shamut, Sidney, Solon, Troy, Unity, Waterville or Winslow.

Call (207) 721-8395

Text (207) 517-9974

Freedom Trash and Recyclables Information

 Freedom's household TRASH is picked up, curbside,

EVERY Thursday & needs to be out by 7:00 am.


Freedom's Solid Waste Department WILL NOT be picking up on holidays!!

***If holiday is on a Thursday then the trash will be picked up the following Thursday.


Each 30 gallon bag needs a sticker and 2 stickers per bag over 30 gallons.

These stickers can be purchased at the following locations:

Freedom Town Office $1.50,

Hilltop Store for $1.50, 

Freedom General Store for $1.75.


If your trash doesn't get picked up,

please bring it back in and put it out the following week to avoid trash being strewed about.


In the event of severe weather on a Thursday, the pickup may have to be rescheduled.


Your household RECYCLABLES may be brought to the recycling center in Thorndike.

It is the Unity Area Regional Recycling Center (UARRC),

95 Leonard Road,




Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9 am-4 pm, Saturday – 8 am–1 pm, Closed Holidays


There is no curbside pickup of recyclables in Freedom.


Though some recyclables can be put in with your trash,

they are more valuable if kept separated, cleaned and brought to UARRC.

UARRC is also able to recycle a variety of materials like electronic items,

all batteries, and air conditioners which cannot be put into the trash.


Questions? Call the Town Office at 382-6177

Results of the Solar Ordinance Survey

Town of Freedom

71 Pleasant Street

Freedom, ME  04941


Phone:  (207) 382-6177

Fax:  (207) 382-3040


Monday:  9am - 6pm

Tues./Weds./Thurs.:  9am - 3pm

First Saturday of the month:  9am - noon

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